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Quote:and according to D.A. the (next) Client shouldn't crash on this anymore. Famous last words.... :P
7th November 2011
Hmm, OK, so all that work mysteriously ran and erred within seconds. Th error is still the same as with 1.09 Quote:D:\...
4th November 2011
OK, I got the new AtiOpenCL app 1.11, got a bucket load of work for it as well, but it doesn't start. I even suspended all...
3rd November 2011
Quote:FWIW the App works when running standalone, it crashes only when running under the BOINC Client. BM How do you...
3rd November 2011
Thanks for those fixes. Quote:I don't know about the preferences yet 03/11/2011 17:10:34 | Albert@Home | [work_fetch]...
3rd November 2011