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I am not a program developer, but just another volunteer with perhaps a little more information in his pocket than others...
16th November 2011
Quote:We also ask that you keep all discussion on the message boards related to Einstein@Home or BOINC with the small...
16th November 2011
By putting them together you make them look like they're all one and the same thing. They aren't. Quote:ati13 ati14 CAL/...
16th November 2011
Quote: Registr je po�kozen. Je po�kozena struktura jednoho ze soubor�, kter� obsahuj� registr, nebo struktura...
16th November 2011
Quote:Maybe one need 11.4 and SDK 2.4 for some special games that their cards support... Why not read the link? It's the...
15th November 2011