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Quote:Nvidia GPU: Quote: 12454544406626.100000 BRP5-cuda32-nv301 That's 12454 GFlops or 12,45 TeraFlops! Boinc...
16th June 2014
I'll add that my GTX660Ti is running 2 task at a time mixing BRP4G and BRP5 from Albert and BRP5 from Einstein. The Intel...
16th June 2014
Quote:The initial GPU guesses seem to rely on Marketing flops figures with some sortof scaling. There is coarse error...
11th June 2014
Noticed that I've been assigned tasks from 2 "new" applications, BRP5 tasks for both Intel and Nvidia GPU. Non of those has...
11th June 2014
Following Richard's example I've put together plots of the credit awarded to host 2267 since the server upgrade. Plot of...
10th June 2014