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tullio commented on New App S6LV1
After 1 hour it is a 3.550%. But it does not run in high priority, contrarily to the binary pulsar search. Tullio
3rd January 2012
I had one reporting 435 hours to complete and was running in high priority. Now its is at 60% in about 28 hours and running...
1st January 2012
I have completed one unit in about 55 hours run time. Now my ETA is 435 hours and of course the unit is running in high...
30th December 2011
I'm getting 500 credits here for every WU done on my CPU. The same credits I would get on Einstein@home in much less time....
29th December 2011
I have the impression that a binary radio pulsar search on Albert@home is slower that a similar search on Einstein@home on...
1st December 2011