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Ta. Looks like fpops estimate isn't too shabby then. But you need to exclude that contribution.
17th June 2014
Quote:Quote:Quote:Nvidia GPU: Quote: 12454544406626.100000 BRP5-cuda32-nv301 That's 12454 GFlops or 12,45 TeraFlops...
17th June 2014
Quote:Quote:... in case they explain anything - I don't think they do. ... Well explore any possibility for sure. From...
17th June 2014
hmm. maybe. would need to ball eye the code again to get more certainity. smaple size is a bit small too - maybe in a few...
16th June 2014
Heisenberg? My Maths teacher? Chaos theory? Zen? Superstitious pidgeons? In a chaotic system, a trend observed may be...
16th June 2014