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About run times. One of my tasks finished on my ATI HD6850 2GB versus an Nvidia GTX570:
3rd March 2012
Tasks still come in expecting to run for 205 hours. So I still have Albert tasks running in a panic. 03/03/2012 02:47:11...
3rd March 2012
No it doesn't. No GPUs are being used on T4T or the Vboxwrapper test project (the only two projects at this time where VBox...
2nd March 2012
Task comes in with 300000000000000.000000 which tells BOINC the task is going to take 210 hours and a bit, so BOINC will run...
28th February 2012
Quote:Are there any other reasons that this message could come about? Try a reboot of the system. It's possible...
7th February 2012