Dear volunteers,
We would like to forward a request from BOINC development:
Currently support for the Android platform is being added to the official BOINC code base and a BOINC manager & client app is now available via the Google Play Store to registered beta testers. All you need to do is to join the Google Group boinc-android-testing, using the same email address that is associated with your Google Play Store account. The group is open to all who wish to test BOINC on Android. More details are explained in the group's forum at!forum/boinc-android-testing
Once you have downloaded this app, you should attach to at least one, better several projects that already offer Android science applications, one of them is Albert@Home.
Feedback is welcome, please send bug reports, but also reports about working phone models, and other relevant comments to boinc-android-testing[at] .
(Reports about problems that are not related to the BOINC client itself but clearly related to the science app should as usually be posted in the forum of the respective project, e.g. here at Albert@Home.)
Thanks for your support
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Beta-testers wanted for official BOINC Android client/manager
OK, joined with one device right now.
Also my nexus 7 was running neon apps before (when running native boing) I got two single dm's (without neon) now.
BE WARNED!! The Android
The Android devices run much hotter when using BOINC insted of native Boinc!
I changed setting to use one cpu only now.
Have been running Boinc on my
Have been running Boinc on my Acer Iconia for 3 days now. Had one problem reported to boinc-android-testing[at] that was fixed the same day. Has been running fine ever since.
Running successfully on Nexus
Running successfully on Nexus 7 Tablet.
Like Native BOINC that I used previously, drains the power even with charger plugged in, so limited to 1 core if want to run for more than a day at a time.
The next Nexus tablet I hear will have a more power efficient CPU, so that will be good!
Regards, Bob P.
Is there a chance to see the
Is there a chance to see the android apps @ Einstein in the near future?
Hi i have attached boinc to
i have attached boinc to my little allwinner a13 tablet
seems to be working ok
had a albert w/u but had to abort as kept resetting time after a few mins
Interestingly my phone (LG P880) seems to be less hot than with NativeBoinc.
Might be that since I now can turn off the screen without stopping the calculations, the processor slows down (or the hotness before was merely the screen illumination?).
(Of course, it's only been one day now, and it's just MY phone I can speak for. Just adding another anecdote without any data :-)
RE: had a albert w/u but
The only Wu you're aborted is a Gravitational Wave S6 Directed Search (CasA) v1.05 (SSE2) task on your Windows XP host, not your Android host:
Task 971844
Possible problem with Albert
Possible problem with Albert WUs on Android Boinc 7.2.1 (using LG P880, stock android 4.0.3): won't up or download.
Two WUs finished processing but won't upload. New WUs have been requested (and are shown in the client) but aren't downloaded.
Message in transfer tab says only "Upload: suspended - manually.", but I'm quite sure I didn't suspend any transfers.
Client bug or project? Previous WUs on this device but using NativeBoinc were fine.
(Also posted in official Boinc group, in case it's a client bug, which I suspect.)
Everything's fine
Everything's fine now.
Apparently it was a bug in 7.2.0 - didn't fix itself in 7.2.1 , but when I manually told it to suspend and resume, everything was fine.